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Man considers himself limited and there arises the trouble. The idea is wrong. He can see it for himself.  Ramana Maharshi

In this house is a treasure which the universe is too small to hold.  Rumi

I felt no Dross nor Matter in my Soul,
No Brims nor Borders, such as in a Bowl
We see, my Essence was Capacitie.  Traherne

Like the empty sky It has no boundaries, yet It is right in this place, ever profound and clear.  Yung-chia Hsuan-chueh

Realizing the Atman, the eternal, pure Knowledge and Bliss, throw away this limitation of a body.  Shankara

A heart that time and place
suffice to satisfy
Knows nothing of its own
immeasurability.  Angelus Silesius

(The Principle) has ordained that all things should be limited, but is Itself unlimited, infinite. As to what pertains to manifestation, the Principle causes the succession of its phases but is not this succession. It is the author of causes and effects, but is not the causes and effects. It is the author of condensations and dissipations (birth and death, changes of state), but is not itself condensations and dissipations. All proceeds from It and is under its influence. It is in all things, but is not identical with beings, for it is neither differentiated nor limited.  Chuang-tzu

I am the Light which is over everything. I am the All: from me the All has gone forth, and to me the All has returned. Split the wood and I am there. Lift the stone and you will find me.  Gospel According to Thomas

High overhead in the lucid sky stood the full moon. Forests and fields, that before could not be seen beyond the camp, came into view now in the distance. And beyond those fields and forests could be seen the bright, shifting, alluring, boundless distance. Pierre glanced at the sky, at the far-away, twinkling stars. "And all that is mine, and all that is in me, and all that is I" thought Pierre.  Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

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