Helping The World
Question: Does my realization help others?
Ramana Maharshi: Yes, certainly! Realization of the Self is the greatest help that can be rendered to humanity. Therefore the saints are said to be helpful, though they remain in forests.
Question: Would it not be better if he mixed with others?
Ramana Maharshi: There are no others to mix with.
When people come to know their real nature, their influence, however subtle, will prevail and the world's emotional atmosphere will sweeten up. A new golden age may come and last for a time and succumb to its own perfection. For ebb begins when the tide is at its highest.
In every period there exist fervent mystics. God does not deprive this world of them, for they are its sustainers.
Households, cities, countries and nations have enjoyed great happiness, when a single individual has taken heed of the Good and Beautiful. Such men not only liberate themselves; they fill those they meet with a free mind.
Alone, I embrace and care for myriads of beings. When there remain no others to help, I may begin to help them. When things as they are feel just right, I may begin to put them right.
D.E. Harding
(One who is Self-realized) helps the whole of humanity, unknown to the latter.
Ramana Maharshi
The Holy Spirit of God, pen in hand, the book open before him, continues the sacred story which has yet to be told. Its theme will not be exhausted until the end of time. It is none other than the record of God's guidance and his purposes for man. It remains for us to take part in that story and to supply the sequel by obeying his commands in all we do and suffer
. Jean Pierre de Caussade
Only when we are centred in the spirit can our actions be direct, harmonious, perfectly executed, and of wide benefit to others. The power of God the Holy Spirit works unimpeded and undisturbed through the person who is at peace in himself and in unitary consciousness with God. He no longer makes demands for himself, because he and the Father are united in will and are one in concern for the world.
Martin Israel
Our universe is out of focus till we see with the eye of goodness that looks beyond everyday things, the eye of beauty that looks at them, and the eye of truth that looks into them.
D.E. Harding
He was in the world; but the world, though it owed its being to him, did not recognize him. He entered his own realm, and his own would not receive him. But to all who did receive him, to those who have yielded him their allegiance, he gave the right to become children of God, not born of any human stock, or by the fleshly desire of a human father, but the offspring of God himself. So the Word became flesh; he came to dwell among us, and we saw his glory, such glory as befits the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth.
St. John's Gospel
Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes. Ramana Maharishi
Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world. Ramana Maharshi
God is the true doctor, and the medicine. Paracelsus.
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