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Ignorance is departure from home and Enlightenment is returning. While wandering, we lead a life full of pain and suffering, and the world wherein we find ourselves is not a very desirable habitat. This is, however, put a stop to by Enlightenment, as thus we are enabled once more to get settled at home where reign freedom and peace.  D.T. Suzuki

What does God ask of us, when He commands us to annihilate ourselves and to renounce ourselves? He asks us to do ourselves justice, to put ourselves in our proper place and to acknowledge ourselves for what we really are.  John Nicholas Grou

Self stays in the heart; "heart", a word that seems to say "here it is". Who knows this, daily enjoys the Kingdom of Heaven. A wise man, leaving his body, joins that flame, is one with His own nature.  Chandogya Upanishad

God became man that man might become God.  St. Athanasius

The soul, a stranger in the world, is yearning for the city of placelessness.  Rumi

(This kind of prayer) means that God is inviting me to discover Him no longer as another alongside me but as my own deepest and truest self. It is, we believe, our final vocation and destiny that the splendour of God in us should resplendently say I am. But the first steps towards that state of identity feel very far from splendid. Our experience of identity with God is the very reverse of what could be described as an emotional experience. It has about it no compelling grandeur which sweeps us off our feet. around that dim and dull awareness of our identity with God we begin gradually and instinctively to centre and selve the rest of what we are. That centring and selving takes the whole of our life here on earth and no doubt extends beyond the grave. But the important thing is for it to begin.  H.A. Williams

Make a journey out of self into Self, O master, for by such a journey earth becomes a quarry of gold.  Rumi

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