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There is no end to our willing and longing until we know God in the fullness of joy.  Julian of Norwich

Do what you are doing now, suffer what you are suffering now; to do all this with holiness, nothing need be changed but your hearts. Sanctity consists in willing what happens to us by God's order.  Jean Pierre de Caussade

We should ask nothing and refuse nothing, but leave ourselves in the arms of divine Providence without wasting time in any desire, except to will what God wills of us.  St. Francois de Sales

I wish I could join the 'Solitaries' (on Caldey Island), instead of being Superior and having to write books. But I don't wish to have what I wish, of course.  Dom John Chapman

The creature hath nothing else in its power but the free use of its will, and its free will hath no other power but that of concurring with, or resisting, the working of God in nature.  William Law

If we understood how to see in each moment some manifestation of the will of God we should find therein also all that our hearts could desire.  Jean Pierre de Caussade

Surrender to your own Self, of which everything is an expression.  Nisargadatta

Our surrender then ought to be an entire leaving of ourselves in the hands of God, both in respect of the outward and inward state, forgetting ourselves in a great measure, and thinking on God only: by this means the heart remains always free, contented, and disengaged.  Madame Guyon

Generally, one has to go on keeping (the imagination) quiet, But there is the curious feeling that these imaginations are not you -- they are mechanical, like those in a dream. You leave them as nearly uncontrolled as possible, in order to have the will fixed on nothing in particular -- which is God, of course.  Dom John Chapman

One lives in perpetual doubt and ignorance what God's Will is going to be, but not what it is at this individual moment: that we always know, because it is.  Dom John Chapman

Let us have no hopes, no desires, no expectations beyond that of realizing the Omnipresence of God.  Joel Goldsmith

God expects but one thing of you, and that is that you should come out of yourself in so far as you are a created being and let God be God in you.  Meister Eckhart

For God, you bring nothing worth having except your entire availability. He alone knows the moment and the way. Have no plan for your life, just keep yourself free of anything that could prevent God from moving you as he wishes.  From "The Hermitage Within" by an anonymous Cistercian monk

Behind my work was ambition, behind my love was personality, behind my purity was fear, behind my guidance the thirst for power. Now they are vanishing and I drift. I come, floating wheresoever Thou takest me -- in the voiceless, in the strange, in the wonderland.  Swami Vivekananda

It is presented right to your face, and at this moment the whole thing is handed over to you. You will come to realise a light abounding in full gladness. It is like coming across a light in thick darkness, it is like receiving treasure in poverty, so light, so easy, so free you are, you have become open, light and transparent. Here is manifested the unsophisticated self which is the original face of your being. This is where you surrender all. Yuan Wu

The only thing that matters is the 'fine point' of the soul, and you have to learn to live by that, and not by feelings, even of the most spiritual kind. Our Lord will strip you of all this spirituality, until you not only are sure you have no 'spiritual life', but also know that you ought not even to wish for it! It must be enough for you to be exactly in the state in which God puts you -- that is, in the state in which you find yourself.  Dom John Chapman

The supreme act of man is to be attentive to God's will and do what is required of him. His reward is the eternal knowledge of God which far outstrips any material advantages that might accrue from it.  Martin Israel

God's holy will is the centre from which all we do must radiate; all else is mere weariness and excitement.  Albert Camus

I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.  Keats

See that I am God. See that I am in everything. See that I do everything. See that I have never stopped ordering my works, nor ever shall, eternally. See that I lead everything to the conclusion I ordained for it before time began, by the same power, wisdom and love with which I made it. How can anything be amiss? Julian of Norwich

After this let us suppose that you turn to God with blind trust and surrender yourself unconditionally, accept what He wishes, and unreservedly to Him, entirely resolved to put aside your own hopes and fears; in short determined to wish for nothing except what He wishes and to wish all that He wishes. From this moment you will acquire perfect liberty and will never again be able to feel troubled or uneasy , and there is no power on earth capable of doing you violence or giving you a moments unrest. Jean Baptiste Saint Jure SJ 

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