The role of workshop leaders in a headless workshop is to point you back to who you really are. You are the sole and final authority on you, not the workshop leaders! Hopefully they will inspire you, but they are in no position to say what and who you are right where you are, for only you are there. They can, using the experiments, help direct attention to that secret place within each of us, but each of us must look for ourselves. And when we have looked, and re-discovered what is so obvious, we ourselves can share it with others! (There are no 'authorised' workshop leaders.) See article on sharing Seeing: When Gurus Become Friends.
Introductory online workshops, with John Hawkins – regular online workshops. Info here.
Second Sunday of the month with David Lang, 1:00–3:30pm––Pacifica, California. It's necessary to reserve a place. Information here, or email David. Next meeting, September 8.
Washington, DC meetings. Contact Brian.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Monthly meetings. Contact Guy.
Perth, Western Australia, monthly meetings. Contact Sam.
Sydney, Australia, monthly meetings. Contact Brentyn
Regular meetings in Lelystad, Holland. Contact Karin.
Monthly meetings in Hamburg, Germany. Contact Soyoung.
Monthly meetings in London, contact Richard
November 9 Saturday day workshop with Richard Lang in London. Information and registration. SOLD OUT.
November 10, Sunday, workshop with David Lang in Pacifica, CA. Information and registration.
November 16, Saturday day workshop with Richard Lang in Lelystad, The Netherlands. Information.
November 24, 2024, Sunday afternoon Workshop with Brentyn Ramm, Sydney. Information
January 11, Saturday day workshop with Richard Lang in London. Information and registration. SOLD OUT.
January 18, Saturday day workshop with Richard Lang in London. Information and registration.
May 14–18 residential in Devon, England with Richard Lang and Amir Giles. Information & registration.
May 21–25 European Gathering. (The Netherlands.) Registration not yet open.
July 2–6. Salisbury, England, Gathering. Registration not yet open.
Free Saturday morning meetings in north London with Richard Lang. Information here. (For anyone who has done the experiments and values the headless way and would like to meet others who also value this way.) Sign up to be notified ahead of each meeting. (It is necessary to let Richard know if you wish to attend.)
There are also regular social meetings in London for headless folk in a cafe on the South Bank, by the Thames. Information from Rick.
And lots of online meetings. Contact Richard for information.
Workshops with Richard Lang –information.
Paris: 1st/3rd Tuesday/month, 8:30pm. With Jose le Roy. Tel: 01 40 54 09 86 or
Volte & Espace – a French site created by Jean-Marc Thiabaud sharing the headless way.
France - other workshops, contact
Pacifica, south of San Francisco. First Sunday of the month, 1:30–3:00 pm, with David Lang. Contact David to register. See website for details.
Regular meetings in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Contact Guy.
Ghent, Belgium. Every 4th Tuesday of the month. More information. Contact.
Richard Lang London
Bromyard, Herefordshire, UK, workshops on request. Contact Brian for details.
South Wales – Judy Bruce: 01792 233 580 or email.
Holland - Headless Cafe.
Regular workshops in Lelystad/Amsterdam. Information.
Sweden: Contact: Olof: 0703952645 or
Contact Luis Granados: Spain
Also - Ernesto Frutos Spain
Israel: Contact Yossi Morgenstern
Occasional workshop in Maple Ridge, near Vancouver, Canada. Contact Cameron.
Perth/Fremantle Australia: Second Saturday every month, 3-5pm. Contact Sam or 0412 039 050
Sydney, Australia: Contact: Brentyn Ramm
Tokyo: occasional workshops: