Saturday Morning Meetings
These meetings take place in Richard Lang's flat.
Arrive from 9:45am to start at 10am, finish at 12 noon, stay on for tea/coffee if you want.
(Bring indoor shoes or be happy in socks :–)
Address: 87B Cazenove Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 6BB. (My phone: 07968 845 825)
Please confirm with Richard if you want to attend.
Here are dates of future meetings, but please check near the time as sometimes dates change...
You can also sign up for the occasional email reminding you a few days before when a meeting is scheduled.
Sign-up form here.
Dates: (Saturday mornings)
March 29
May 3
June 7
Please check near the time as sometimes dates change...
(There is no charge for these meetings.)
Important: it is necessary to let Richard know if you wish to attend, to be sure there is room.
Saturday Lunch-time Meetings
These meetings take place in a café by the Thames in London, on the South Bank. For information, please contact Rick.