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The truth of Brahman may be understood intellectually. But (even in those who so understand) the desire for personal separation is deep-rooted and powerful, for it exists from beginningless time. It creates the notion, 'I am the actor, I am he who experiences'. This notion is the cause of bondage to conditional existence, birth and death. It can be removed only by the earnest effort to live constantly in union with Brahman.  Shankara

Keep steadily in the focus of consciousness the only clue you have: your certainty of being. Be with it, play with it, ponder over it, delve deeply into it, till the shell of ignorance breaks open and you emerge into the realm of reality.  Nisargadatta

Being anonymous, it is whole and immaculate. It defies description for it has no quality. This is awareness, this is attention, this is love, this is the highest. The brain must be completely awake, that's all. As the man in the jungle must keep terribly awake to survive, so the man in the jungle of the world must keep terribly awake to live completely.  J. Krishnamurti

If we fall we are to get up quickly; for the worst pain a soul can have is to let sin take it away from God.  Julian of Norwich

Kindle Light in the blessed country ever close at hand.  Hui Ming Ching

In a sense, admittedly, it's the easiest thing in the world to see what nobody else can see, namely what it's like to be Oneself. But in another sense it's the most difficult thing in the world to see and go on seeing. Of all ambitions this is the most far-reaching, and no other adventure is anything like so daring or so 'difficult' -- till we see how the difficulty was of our own making.  D.E. Harding

Drink of this Presence! Be not thou a jar
Laden with water, and its lip stone-dry;
Or a a horseman blindly borne afar,
Who never sees the horse beneath his thing.  Rumi

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