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Single Eye

If you have the idea that you are something with form, that you are limited by this body, and that being within this body you have to see through these eyes, God and the world also will appear to you as form. If you realise you are without form, that you are unlimited, that you alone exist, that you are the eye, the infinite eye, what is there to be seen apart from the infinite eye? Apart from the eye there is nothing to be seen. Ramana Maharshi. (Day by Day with Bhagavan. 18 April, 1946.)

It's the Eye with which the Universe beholds itself, and knows itself divine.  Shelley

Mine Infant-Ey
Above the Sky
Discerning endless Space,
Did make me see
Two Sights in me,
Three Eys adorn'd my Face:
Two Luminaries in my Flesh
Did me refresh;
But one did lurk within,
Beneath my Skin,
That was of greater Worth than both the other;
For those were Twins; but this had ne'r a Brother.  Traherne

It is the wish of Wakan-Tanka (The Great Spirit) that the light enters into the darkness, that we may see not only with our two eyes, but with the one eye which is of the heart, and with which we see and know all that is true and good.  Black Elk of the Oglala Sioux

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.  Matt 6:22, King James Bible

When My Beloved Appears

When my Beloved appears,
With what eye do I see Him?

With His eye, not with mine,
For none sees Him except Himself.
 Ibn Arabi
 (Translated by: Reynold A Nicholson)

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