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Angelus Silesius (1624–1677)

Angelus Silesius, German religious poet, was born in Breslau, Silesia. His family name was Johann Scheffler, but he is generally known by the pseudonym Angelus Silesius, under which he published his poems and which marks the country of his birth. His father moved from Krakow in 1618 and became a citizen of Breslau. Johann was brought up a Lutheran and educated as scientist and physician. He was at first physician to the duke of Württemberg-Oels. With the imperial Habsburg rulers pushing for Re-Catholisation, Silesius joined the Roman Catholic Church in 1652. In 1654 Silesius received from the emperor the imperial-kingly (kaiserlich-königlich) court physician status. In 1661 he took orders as a priest, and became coadjutor to the Prince-bishop of Breslau. He died at St. Matthias monastery in Breslau, on July 9, 1677.

From Wikipedia 

Angelus Silesius is best known for his collection of rhyming verses: The Cherubinic Wanderer.

See also New Advent 


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