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Avadhut Gita

The Avadhut Gita, or Song of the Avadhut, is traditionally ascribed to Dattatreya. This ancient Indian mystical treatise has, according to H.P. Shastri, two aspects:

“The lower form of prayer consists in singing hymns and repeating mantrams in which the ultimate Reality, the secondless, all-transcending Brahman is conceived in terms of duality.

The higher form of prayer consists in feelingly singing of Brahman in terms of non-duality, and in the first person, “Shivoham,” I am Shiva (Bliss), “Aham Brahmasmi”, I am Brahman, and so forth. Our inner life is coloured by those attributes of God which we repeat or of which we sing. The Avadhut Gita speaks of the ultimate Reality in terms of absolute freedom.”

(From ‘Avadhut Gita’, translation and Introduction by Hari Prasad Shastri. Published by Shanti Sadan, London.)

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