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Perennial Philosophy

The reign of violence will never come to an end until, first, most human beings accept the same, true philosophy of life; until, second, this Perennial Philosophy is recognized as the highest factor common to all the world religions; until, third, the adherents of every religion renounce the idolatrous time-philosophies with which, in their own particular faith, the Perennial Philosophy of eternity has been overlaid; until, fourth, there is a world-wide rejection of all the political pseudo-religions, which place man's supreme good in future time and therefore justify and commend the commission of every sort of present iniquity as a means to that end.  Aldous Huxley

The genuine followers of the perennial philosophy shall remain few, not because it requires great understanding, but because the following of that philosophy requires so great a moral courage and unflagging determination. The philosophy of mysticism, unlike some others, is not dependent upon intellect for confirmation, but upon experiment. It remains incomprehensible to all but those who are willing to carry out the experiment with their very lives.
From the book: 'The History of Mysticism' by Swami Abhayananda, page 385 (Stan Trout)

It is a great wonder that to teach such a simple truth a number of religions should be necessary, and so many disputes should go on between them as to which is the God-ordained teaching. What a pity! Ramana Maharshi

God is One, religions are many. Ibn Arabi   

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