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Good And Evil

Question: Why does not goodness prevail?
Nisargadatta: It does -- in my real world. In my world even what you call evil is the servant of the good and therefore necessary. This problem of things good and evil in themselves does not exist in my world. The needful is good and the needless is evil. In your world the pleasant is good and the painful is evil.

Passive violence fuels physical violence. If you want to put out the fire of physical violence, then you need to cut off the fuel supply. Gandhi. 

Resist not evil. Jesus. 

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is God. 

The greatest error of a man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself. Ramana Maharishi 
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