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From me everything is born; on me everything is supported; into me everything is again dissolved. I am this Brahman, One-without-a-second -- Of inconceivable power am I; without eyes I see; without ears I hear.  Kaivalya Upanishad

I am alone. I am the supreme Brahman. I am the Lord of the Universe. Such is the settled conviction of the Mukta. All other experience leads to bondage.  Devikalottara

When he awakens and sees nobody in the house but himself, then he says, "I am, and there is nobody other than I"  Rumi

One is the Alone not by way of exclusion but by way of inclusion.  D.E. Harding

Many stand before the door, but it is the Alone that enters the bridechamber.  Gospel According to Thomas

There is no seer but Him, no one to hear but Him, no one thinking, no one aware but Him. He is the Self, the Ruler within, the One Immortal. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

None hath hearing, sight, life, speech, power, will, knowledge save only God. Al-'Alawi.  

The word SUM, I AM, can be spoken by no creature, but by God only. Meister Eckhart.  

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