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Buddha (c. 563 BCE–c. 483 BCE)

Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher in the ancient Indian subcontinent and the historical founder of Buddhism. He is universally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha of our age. He is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Supreme God Vishnu by Hindus… By tradition he was born with the name Siddhartha Gautama and, after a quest for the truth behind life and death, underwent a transformative spiritual change that led him to claim the name of Buddha. He is also commonly known as Sakyamuni (sage of the Sakya clan) and as the Tathagata (thus-come-one or thus-gone-one)

Gautama is the key figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules were summarized after his death and memorized by the sangha. Passed down by oral tradition, the Tripitaka, the collection of discourses attributed to Gautama, was committed to writing about 400 years later.

From Wikipedia 


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