The Headless Way
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Glynis Cooper


When faith has gone
A deep familiar knowing dawns
That may have been there all along.

No striving, yearning now,
Just a sweet surrender
As my head I gently bow.

With gratitude I welcome back
A glowing, warming love
That dissipates, transmutes any lack.

The realisation arises from a wiser mind
That there is nothing to do or be,
Nowhere to go and nothing to find.

For all I will ever need is here
Present already, perfect as it is;
There is nothing to fear.

Stuck in a Dark Place

Stuck in a dark place,
Back to the wall,
There seems no escape,
Then I start to fall.

The only place down,
And also within,
Exploring the depths,
But where to begin.

Free of the dark place,
Now stuck in a void.
Nothing exists here,
But somehow I’m buoyed.

Floating now freely,
But where shall I go?
How do I choose
From what I don’t know?

Feeling quite giddy,
The choice is immense.
I venture forward,
Let the journey commence.

The Peace of Now

Come, walk with me the silent way
Your stories leave untold
They do not need recounting now
Leave them, they are old.
Step into the peace of now
This moment lasts for ever
Will you stay here with me
Where we are one together
Years of searching now complete
The shortest journey found
The place where ALL abides
Where love, peace and joy abound.

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