The Headless Way
Direct access to our essential nature
is freely available to everyone here and now
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Free Artwork Downloads

From this page you can download artwork on Headless themes for personal use -- to print as posters, tee shirts etc.

Copyright in all items is reserved.

Just click on the download link below next to the item you want to use.

  Poster depicting the "headless circle" experiment.
(Up to A2 size)

Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe


Poster based on a First Person Map designed by Douglas Harding. (Up to A2 size)

Artwork by Sam Blight

  First Person painting

 Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

  Poster depicting first person pointing Home.
(Up to A2 size)

Artwork by Sam Blight

  First Person painting

 Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

  Youniverse Explorer Model 1

Poster of rendered image from a 3D model of the recent recreation of Douglas Harding's model.

New YE Model produced by Richard Lang with imagery composited by Sam Blight

3D digital model produced and rendered by Richard Lang

  Youniverse Explorer Model 2

Poster of rendered image from a 3D model of the recent recreation of Douglas Harding's model.

New YE Model produced by Richard Lang with imagery composited by Sam Blight

3D digital model produced and rendered by Richard Lang

  Youniverse Explorer Model 3

Poster of rendered image from a 3D model of the recent recreation of Douglas Harding's model.

New YE Model produced by Richard Lang with imagery composited by Sam Blight

3D digital model produced and rendered by Richard Lang

  Youniverse Explorer Model 4

Poster of rendered image from a 3D model of the recent recreation of Douglas Harding's model.

New YE Model produced by Richard Lang with imagery composited by Sam Blight

3D digital model produced and rendered by Richard Lang

   Layers of Appearance

Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe based on Douglas Harding's sketch
  Illustration by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

   First Person Map

Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe based on Douglas Harding's sketch

  Illustration by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

  Guru and Followers
Illustration by Richard Lang

  Seeing Society
Illustration by Richard Lang

  Self and Other
Illustration by Douglas Harding
Redrawn by Richard Lang and Sam Blight

  Pointing Home
Illustration by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe


Illustration by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

First Person painting

 Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

 Layers of Appearance

 Artwork by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

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