A new book is now available - the illustrated biography of Douglas Harding by Richard Lang and Victor Lunn-Rockliffe. This beautifully illustrated biography follows the life of Douglas Harding as he looked deeply into the question 'Who am I'. Harding wrote many books about 'who we really are', exploring its profound implications in our lives and its connection with the core message of the world's great religions. He also invented experiments that point directly to the 'headless' Reality at our centre. Harding's work is a paradigm shift, a leap into a profoundly new way of seeing ourselves. This graphic biography reveals who this great man was and what he discovered.
US - https://www.amazon.com/Man-No-Head-Douglas-Harding/dp/190877424XUK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Man-No-Head-Douglas-Harding/dp/190877424X
"I just finished reading 'The Man With No Head - The Life and Ideas of Douglas Harding' ... wow! I loved the book! The illustrations are wonder-FULL and expand the script so harmoniously. I am so grateful you included his struggles, doubts, and darkness in the journey to his realizations (showing us the mechanism and cost of following a calling). I will sit with this book for years to come (headless and grateful)! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all involved in this beautiful sharing!" MK
"The book is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. What a gift! The artwork enhances the words, and vice versa... truly a magnificent product that I will cherish for the rest of my life!" CL