The Headless Way
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Workshops and Video

Last month I gave workshops in Israel and the Czech Republic. In Israel we had a one day workshop with about 30 people, (6/4/10) and then a morning workshop that came out of that (9/4/10), with about a dozen people. And then an even shorter workshop at a conference in Tel Aviv with six people (10/4/10). It was marvellous, as usual, to share this Vision with new friends. How wonderful it is to see people valuing This. (We also had a holiday - here's a film of our holiday!) In the Czech Republic I gave a two-day workshop in Prague with about 20 people. (24-25/4.10.) Again, people so receptive and warm to this message. A real delight to be doing this work!

Over the last eight months or so I've been working on a video presentation of this work, using the camera to illustrate the experiments from a first person point of view, and then exploring some of the implications and applications of what we find. I've just finished it, and sent it off to the printers, so I'm hoping to make the DVD available in about a week. I'll also put it on Youtube so that it is as widely available as possible.
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