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Stockholm workshop

A wonderful workshop in Stockholm last weekend. About 15 people - Saturday afternoon, and then Sunday morning. (20-21/3/10.) Mainly Swedish people, but someone drove from Norway, and someone flew from Denmark, and a Russian friend who lives in Stockholm came too.

How deeply this Seeing goes in people's lives. There were friends there who have been with the Seeing for many years, and it affects every area of their lives. And new insights are always coming to the surface. It's very encouraging to see. It's not unusual for the Seeing to facilitate profound healing in people. Sometimes this can be practically instant, in specific areas of life.

I also gave a workshop in Ghent, Belgium, Saturday 13 March. This workshop is, delightfully, becoming a regular meeting. Usually there are about 40 people who come. The previous Saturday (6/3/10) I gave a morning workshop at the Friends Meeting House in Ealing, London, organized by friends there. And the weekend of 27-28/2/10 I was in Holland. Two separate workshops, about 40 people in each, organized by friends there, Guido and Tineke. And finally, 24/1/10 I was in Munich, a day workshop there with about 15 people, organized by Patrick.
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