The Headless Way
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We had about 20 people for the 2-day workshop in Prague at the weekend, April 28-29. We did many experiments. In the whole group, people were a little reluctant to share or to lead the group through the experiments, so I divided the group up into small groups - and then everyone participated happily. The purpose of the workshop is not simply to share the truth of who we really are, but to practise it together, and to make it more deeply our own. When you communicate your experience to others, this deepens the process of making it your own - of owning it. This is partly why it is powerful for people to share their experience in the group - even simply to say Yes, this is true, I do not see my head. This is reversing the powerful influence of social conditioning. If someone then guides others through an experiment, this affects that person in the same way - they are reversing, in a sense, the social view of themselves - or rather, placing it, and standing up for their own view. Probably, when someone leads others through an experiment, the person it most affects is the person doing the experiment!

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