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Creative Space

Plenty arriving out of the Great Space these days! After publishing on Youtube my film about Douglas Harding, friends have been translating the text into various languages. Currently we have it online in Spanish, German, Italian and Greek. The Dutch subtitles are nearly ready. I'm adding the Japanese subtitles at the moment. Thank you to all our friends for so generously contributing in this way. We hope to have the French and Russian subtitles on Youtube in the near future.

We have also got new French-speaking friends helping out with translating the Big Hierarchy into French. We are about two thirds of the way through translation - well, not 'we', since I'm not doing it :-) This is being superbly co-ordinated by Navi. So, thank you friends! We have also got an enthusiastic Spanish team working on the Spanish version. This book, by the way, is huge. It's like War and Peace. So, it is a hugely ambitious project. But such a worthwhile one. I'm sure that in the future people will send out so much gratitude to everyone involved in these projects.

We have more interviews translated too, thanks to the work of marvellous friends - with subtitles in Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Czech. 

You can find links to all these films on our website.

We have published the ebook of The Hidden Gospel by Douglas Harding - a workshop manual Douglas wrote in the 1970s. And we are just completing the work of making The Trial of the Man who said he was God, by Douglas, into an ebook. That will be ready soon. I proof-read it this week. I read it a few years ago, but reading it again was deeply inspiring. This was one of the books that Douglas was really proud of.

Colin Oliver, long-time friend of Douglas, and a poet, put forward the idea of publishing a collection of Douglas' poems - poems he wrote in the last months of his life. This week we have had great fun putting this together. This will be ready soon.

There is more, too! The Japanese pages of the website went live recently. And Bobby in Oregon is completing the iPhone app. for the headless way!

I think there is more, but I am running out of steam, and have to get back to adding Japanese subtitles to the film of Douglas Harding!

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