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The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth

Douglas Harding

This unabridged, large, original version of The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth is a very great work of philosophy. There is nothing like it. It is a profound breakthrough in terms of how we see ourselves in the world. The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth was originally published in a condensed form (condensed by Harding) in 1952 and described by C.S. Lewis as "a work of the highest genius". This publication now makes available the original huge work. It is clearly and beautifully written, with hundreds of quotations and references in the margins. This book opens your eyes to the universe as it is actually presented, and opens your mind to the way it functions. One day this book will be recognised as one of the greatest works of philosophy.

In Hardback, Paperback and Audiobook.

In Kindle (two volumns)

Volume 1

Volume 2


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