Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 120


Test It And See

In The Kingdom Of Heaven You Are Much More Efficient
Here, you come to recognize and increasingly give way to the practical flair, the astounding know-how, of the very Source of things. More and more Who you are is allowed to look after what you are, unhindered. The technique is very simple and very precise – and by no means automatic. It is this: whatever you are attending to there, you attend also to the Attender here, so that your gaze is at least as much inwards as outwards. You see yourself as Space for that – for those busy hands or feet doing their thing, for that strangely dextrous scalpel or brush or bow or chisel or pen, animated by the real Virtuoso. In fewer and fewer circumstances do you overlook the Looker-Adept, till eventually it’s impossible to do so. And gradually it sinks in that this is the very One who has the ultimate know-how, the ‘impossible’ knack of being its own Origin and Inventor, of seeing to its own ceaseless emerging, for no reason and with no help, from mere nothingness and blank chaos. In Heaven, consciously handing over to this Expert is (not surprisingly) ensuring that whatever is done, from the humblest of chores to the sublimest work of art, is better done – more smoothly and swiftly and pleasurably – than it would be on Earth, where a mere person has the sense of doing it.

Test it and see.

(Douglas Harding. The Little Book of Life and Death.)

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