Reflection 82
A Ceaseless Spin-Off
As Divinity itself, as the Space for all and the Source of all, you are responsible for all. There is no second Power. Who you really, really are did it all, is doing it all. But notice whether this Space that you are is efforting its contents. Do you, who are attending to the scene, have any sense of intending it, of contriving it and cobbling it together, of causing and maintaining it? It is for you, who are responsible for it, to say. Isn’t it rather that everything flows spontaneously, without motive or taking thought, from your Being, a ceaseless spin-off from Who you are? (
Look For Yourself, Douglas Harding)
Thank you for this reflection. This morning, before receiving your mail I thought exactly this - if we are consciousness itself, then there can't be an authority outside of self. I will take the time to let this reflection sink in. I can imagine it to be powerful if fully realised. Thanks again for the beautiful work you do. Willem.