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About 10 years ago I picked up On Having No Head and read it on the front porch of my sister's house in rural Vermont, USA. The air was crisp and cool, fresh, free and formless and after reading the first chapter so was I. For many years I have studied many eastern and western scriptures and tests, took initiations and empowerments. Ultimately settling into Ramana Maharshi's "Who am I?" as my only practice because it is the only thing that made sense based on previous flashes of non-dual consciousness. OF COURSE "Headlessness" was too simple for "me" in my own head I suppose. Anyway a day or two ago I stumbled upon your page, remembered the experience from Vermont and... oh my God... haven't stopped turning towards this headless face since, at least not at anytime I am aware of or aware in. Thank you for no-thing! E.J.S.