God's Country
The very first time Alan mentioned it just very briefly, so it didn't fully click. But then a little later, we'd be drinking coffee together. And we'd compare how one coffee cup remained about the same size and then just bumped into a meatball and nothing happened. But the coffee cup on this side slowly got bigger and bigger and then bumped into a nice clear nothing and burst into taste.
The difference was so astounding that my absent eyes almost popped out of my absent head. And it was so wonderful! And so fun too! So we'd be drinking and giggling and drinking and giggling. It was as if love was framed in a picture with big fuzzy shoulders and little pink hands as part of the frame, just to emphasize it. This felt like God's country.
And then when I took a walk, the far away mountains moved slowly and gracefully, and nearby trees danced quickly and rotated as I walked. The first person world seemed magical! And if there are problems and worries, you can just say that they are part of this first person magical world of mine. That it has things falling apart here and there. A mud puddle with a squishy frog. And a thought puddle with a foggy worry. It's how the world is made up.
And then you respect your own problems as part of how your first person world, your life, God's country, happens to be made up. The same way as you respect other things in the world. And that helps to lessen stress and me-other feelings and makes everything more magical. And happy. E.