Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 93



We’re always trying to manipulate our feelings. They are up and down like English weather, always changing. The only way to do something about our feelings, perhaps not very much, is to go upstream of feelings, and see Who has them. So feelings, whether negative or positive, are an opportunity for seeing Who we are. It’s not symmetry; it’s asymmetry. It’s feelings to No-feelings. The Space I am is not a feeling Space. It’s Capacity for feeling. My Nature always is to be free from what is filling it. And when you see Who you really, really, really are, you will not find that your feelings are all positive. Well, I don’t find that. Feelings are up and down. Douglas is anxious, then he’s not anxious, then he’s happy, then he’s less happy. He’s continually changing. That makes life interesting. But Who I am Here is not subject to those variations. Who I really, really am is my blessing, my refuge. Nevertheless, I do think that our feelings are somewhat ameliorated, the anxieties somewhat reduced, when we tell the truth about Who has them. (Face to No-Face, Douglas Harding, edited by David Lang.)

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