Reflection 65
Stages Of Development
As a baby I did not identify with the image in the mirror – with my appearance. I was space for that
baby over there, without thinking in these or any other terms.
As I grew up, passing through childhood into adulthood, I learned to identify with my appearance and overlook – in fact deny - the space here.
Now as a seer I still recognize and identify with my appearance, of course, but at the same time I see that at centre I’m free of my appearance – I am
capacity for the world.
This development, from the baby through the child to the adult and then the seer is natural. The last stage - being aware of being both a person and the Source - is everyone’s birthright. It is not the norm in society today, so there’s a job to do: to make this good news – the good news of one’s True Identity - available to anyone who wants it.
Warm regards,
Please send your comments to Richard