Reflection 724
Dedicated practice
Enlightenment is quite free and available instantly. However desirable, spiritual maturity is not an essential prerequisite: we don’t have to remodel our human nature before we are capable of seeing our real Nature. Nevertheless dedicated practice, sooner or later, is indispensable. In a very real sense, we get nothing on the cheap, though there are alternative modes of payment. It’s like buying a car: you may take delivery now and pay over the next two years; or you may save for the whole two years and purchase outright at the end. In the last instance, the car is yours for keeps; in the others, the firm will distrain if you don’t keep up your instalments. It is only too possible, if one’s seeing has come early and easily, to undervalue and therefore neglect it, with the result that it fades away.
From As I See It by Douglas Harding, page 139.