Reflection 718
Spiritual training...
Consider what spiritual training would mean for the 1st person, for the one here. It would mean one is anxious to get something, whereas in fact one is complete. It would mean one is looking for future results, whereas in fact the Goal is Now or never. It would mean drawing comparisons with others’ attainments, whereas in fact this one is incomparable. It would mean making enormous efforts to curb the wandering mind, whereas in fact it’s trying so hard that’s the trouble. It would mean sitting at the feet of some guru, or attempting to master the scriptures, whereas in fact it’s this sort of indoctrination from outside which prevents discovery right here. It would mean dwelling on prescribed ideas (such as impermanence, no-self, non-duality) whereas in fact they would only cloud the Emptiness here: what’s needed is to drop all ideas and stay perfectly open. It would mean cultivating feelings (such as compassion, love, calm) whereas in fact they would only obscure this central Dispassion. It would mean the hard grind of keeping up one’s exercises, so many hours a day, day in and day out for years, in the teeth of all natural impulses, whereas in fact the divine ease I’m seeking so painfully is painlessly available here this very instant.
From The Face Game by Douglas Harding, page 349.