Reflection 700
This great empty Heart of mine
This true 1st-person love is a kind of dying, for only as abolished—as no- thing—can I love anyone unreservedly. Only when every defence here has been smashed, and all obstructing thoughts and feelings and judgments have been swept away, do I become perfectly hospitable and loving. The mark of this 1st-person charity is that it is unbounded and undiscriminating, as freely poured out upon the mean and ugly as upon the most deserving. It has nothing to do with sentiment or convention or morality, and is always the same. It cannot be produced to order or cultivated, but occurs naturally when I see what I am— this luminous emptiness which obviously has nothing to lose or gain. This love is the inevitable product of this seeing, inseparable from this Brilliance in which all things shine. The reason God is Light as well as Love is that they cannot really be disentangled
For this 1st person there is neither far nor near (I don’t see distance) and all are dear. All are myself, inasmuch as I have nothing to keep them off with: my nothingness and their somethingness unite absolutely. Every one of them is needed to fill this great empty Heart of mine. As extreme heat is easily mistaken for extreme cold, so this 1st-person love is easily mistaken for indifference—but not by one who is practising it.
From The Face Game by Douglas Harding, page 197.