Reflection 694
Only here is there seeing
A man doesn’t see. It’s true that I notice his face lighting up in response (say) to a proffered £5 note, but I notice also that the face and the note don’t merge, or change places, or abolish each other. How different from me! My face doesn’t light up, doesn’t respond to the banknote: it is the banknote! I see, not because I have eyes, nerves, brain here, but because I haven’t: they would merely block the view. Only this perfectly clear head, emptied and exploded to infinity, could be void enough and big enough to contain my world. This is no theory: I see it to be so, here and now. The only one who I’ve seen see, does so without eyes. If the seen doesn’t wipe out the seer, there is no seeing, but only signalling. All over the world this signalling is going on, but only here is there seeing.