Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 687


There never was anything here...

When I turn from what I’m looking at, to what I’m looking out of, I see nothing. Examination of this spot with a fresh and open mind reveals not the slightest trace of eyes, mouth, ears, hair, bone, blood, brain. Try as I may, I can find here no outline, no cloud, no tint, however shadowy. In fact, there never was anything here. I only imagined it. 

It won’t do to say that my head is really here, though hidden from me. Only I myself am perfectly placed to observe what’s here, and if it’s hidden from me it’s truly absent. The situation is not that I can’t see what’s here, but that only I can, and that I see Nothing. As if anyone there could talk me out of what I find here, or is in any position to try!

Nor will it do to say I can feel my head with my fingertips. I can’t. I see that what I’m fingering is a phantom so empty and transparent and colourless that it could scarcely be less like a head. A man can have a glass eye, but hardly a glass head! The other senses don’t help either: in fact, they disclose everything but the missing head. Just as I see outer objects and not eyes, so I hear sounds, not ears; taste food, not a tongue; smell odours, not a nose. If I go by my senses here and now, I have only one ‘sense organ’—this remarkable Void, this ‘hole where a head should have been’.

Who is it that needs no head, in order to live and see the world?

The Face Game by Douglas Harding, page 81.

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