A Superb Teaching
I'd like just like to say that I've read a lot of books on spiritual awakening, but few have even come close to the simplicity and profound clarity of Mr. Harding's work, which I'm so happy to have discovered just a week ago. His experiments are quite similar to the "pointing-out instructions" of Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen practice - but for me a lot more effective! I'm just amazed to see that losing face, dropping egoic self-image, is so volitional and so incredibly easy. The hard part, I know, is keeping with this all the time, till it becomes a naturally effortless state to abide in, but at least now I'm certain - I can easily, directly SEE, with certainty - what terms like "nonduality" and "enlightenment" are actually pointing to. And with each successive glimpse I'm finding, quite pragmatically, my usual level of shyness rapidly dissolving. This is a superb teaching! T.