Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 33


Conflict Resolution

The thought occurred to me in spreading the "Wordless" that face to no-face could be an incredible tool to use in mediation work. As a state court judge who has to deal with conflict on a daily basis, I have found that so many of the experiments help me in dealing with it all without becoming jaded. Especially though it seems that face to no-face is an excellent way of helping disputing people to resolve amicably their differences.

I refer many cases to mediation, with mixed results. But it seems that if mediation could be done with a skilled mediator who could get the disputing parties to lose their faces, real progress could be made in the effort to find peace, even if it is at the local level. But perhaps that is where it has to start anyway. I'm curious if you know of any one who has attempted this in mediation work, and especially how it could be approached. The area where it might be most applicable is in domestic relations. But it also could be very helpful in any number of other types of disputes as well, both legal and non-legal. William.

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