Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 26


The Country of Complete Peace

At the Centre is always perfection, off-Centre always imperfection. Man as man is (to say the least) lacking, and no amount of seeing Who he really is will make a human into an angel or the human scene into Utopia, let alone Heaven. The effects of his seeing will, if he persists, certainly become evident in his personality and environment, but they will vary immensely and will often seem to him to be very meagre indeed. One thing alone can be relied on through all circumstances, and that is their Core of Peace. The seer may often find himself in a tragic and sad and puzzling and troublesome world, but he never (so long as he's seeing) lacks peace of mind. His basic anxiety has gone. Seeing that he is indeed Peace Itself, he is at rest. (Douglas Harding)

This Soul ... is imprisoned and held in the country of complete peace, for she is always in full sufficiency, in which she swims and bobs and floats, and she is surrounded by divine peace, without any movement in her interior, and without any exterior work on her part. These two things would remove this peace from her if they could penetrate to her, but they cannot, for she is in the sovereign state where they cannot pierce or disturb her about anything. (Marguerite Porete)


Many thanks for this series of constant remainders of What I really am. Indeed while it is easy to see the Void which is our true nature, it is also very easy to overlook it since it is No-thing. I must say that the In-Sights are relatively un-spectacular, except a certain peace which accompanies it. No mystical revelation, really. There is just emptiness at the core of every(-)thing. Luc.

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