Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
Freely released into the cosmos every few days...
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Reflection 24


You Cannot Lose It

Rebecca came to one of my workshops and saw who she really was. A couple of weeks later she contacted me by email saying that she had enjoyed the workshop but that she had now ‘lost it’. I asked her what she had lost.

“Well, during and after the workshop I felt so light, so spacious, but now I feel heavy and small.”

“So you’ve lost the feelings of lightness and so on. Okay. But is the space you are looking out of still there?” I asked. “Point back at where others see your face and look.”

“Yes, the space is still here! Ah, I see! The feelings have gone, but who I really am doesn’t come or go!”

Warm regards from That which we can never lose!


This is such an essential reflection. To realise that the seeing isn't experienced or felt as anything in particular, but is the ever-present openness which is indivisible from any appearance or disappearance. To me, that's complete relief and peace beyond understanding... to rest as this that can't be lost, the home I never left. Thank you! Cattis.

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