Reflection 22
All Are Doing It Right
The primary and saving whole truth is that we are all living from our Space and not our face, all doing it right, all firmly and forever established in our True Nature. To be at all is to be Being. In this sense all are awakened. The very fact that you and I don’t fall over the furniture, that we take in these black-on-white printed patterns so effortlessly, is proof enough and to spare. Though the fact that we don’t yet want to know this good news makes a huge practical difference, it makes no fundamental difference. In the last resort there’s no other experience than this Experience. Only our Void Nature is aware. (
The Experience and the Meaning, article by Douglas Harding.)
Having been on a spiritual path for many years, this is the first time that I have been presented with this very simple method of self-realization. How truly wonderful it is to BE in a boundless, vast and neutral state. So many paradoxes, I have to stop thinking and just merely BE. Thanks! Bill.
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