Reflection 106
Our Eternal Home
George is a friend of mine now in his eighties. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey. George has explored several spiritual paths during his life. About fifteen years ago he discovered headlessness and did the experiments. Pointing at his own face he saw he wasn’t there!
He was not in the world, the world was in him!
Is there any greater discovery than this? Any deeper transformation? You don’t just change from one thing into another, you change from thinking you are a thing to seeing you are No-thing – the birthless, deathless No-thing that is the source and destiny of all things.
George had arrived Home. He was no longer a seeker but a finder.
But then George felt frustration and regret. “O why didn’t I find this earlier in my life! If only I had had more time to be aware of this wonderful truth instead of coming across it so late in my life.”
But then George realized it didn’t matter. Home was and is beyond time and change. Being at Home is seeing you have never been anywhere else – you just thought you were. George realized he really was, and is, home and dry forever.
Return Home by seeing you are already Home.
“Is there, perhaps, a Liberation which is not a matter of self-discovery, one which is concerned, not with the facts as they are now given, but with somehow improving upon them? First see who you are now. Then you will surely find that only the truth sets you free, and it is all of it clearly presented at this moment, if only you stop thinking about it, and look, and take seriously what you see.” (
Thirty Questions, article by Douglas Harding)
Regards from your eternal Home!
Please send your comments to Richard