It's interesting to watch the changes that seeing brings about in my life now. An example of the wonderful by-products of this boundless state happened a few days ago. Ever since having an eye operation which involved coming round from the anaesthetic with weights on my eyes and bandages round my head, unable to move or call for attention - all of which induced a feeling of panic in me - I have had similar feelings of panic whenever I go to the beauty therapist to have my blonde piggy eyelashes dyed (what vanity, I know). Anyway, I always ask the therapist to stay in the room with me for the ten minutes or so (lying flat and immobile with pads on my eyes, unable to move or blink in case the stinging dye gets into the eyes) that this ordeal takes. This allays any rising panic in my prone body on the table. This time I heard the therapist walk out of the room and down the stairs - panic started to rise - and then I remembered! I expanded myself and felt myself contain not only the beauty therapist, but the whole building, the whole town and beyond. There's nowhere that the therapist could go to! She was in me wherever she was. Not only this but apparently (I realised later) I and my panic had disappeared in favour of a much larger scenario. Hilarity and happiness replaced that limited feeling of being alone and helpless. I await with interest the dissolution of any other hang-ups that come to light. A.