Reflection 21
Never Boring
One of the paradoxes of the Emptiness here is how, though forever the same, it gets more intriguing, more surprising, more wonderful, more precious, the more it is noticed. Here, and here alone, familiarity breeds respect, dedication, reverence. This isn't a matter of theory but of observation, each for himself. But the consistent report is that everything - when taken by itself - sooner or later grows dull and boring, whereas the No-thing it comes from never loses its brightness. Nor is this the end of the story. The surprisingly happy sequel is this: all these emergent things, so tiresome on their own, when seen in the only way they really can be seen, from the station of their Origin here, are bathed in the glow of that Origin; they have the refreshing taste of their Source; they smell of their native land, the Country of Everlasting Clearness. So it happens that, while the science of the object is often hard and disappointing and dreary work, the science of the Subject is simple and rewarding and fascinating work - and not so much work at all as enjoyment and rest. (
The Science of the 1st Person, Douglas Harding.)
Today I am enamored with the newness of seeing. How everything is new in it, how it never gets old. Then when I forget, I completely forget. When it visits again, innocently scooping me away, it is like the first time ever, and I can’t believe that I could forget, that I could fail to keep my door open to this awareness all the time. But of course fail I do. Elsa.
Seeing knocks my door wide open when I least expect it. Sometimes very strongly, sometimes in the middle of my very mind-engaging, intellectual kind of work, which is very refreshing and inspiring. I try to keep open to it while my mind continues to be engaged in its exacting tasks. Very enlivening. Elsa.
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