Reflection 19
The Single Eye
I am looking out of a Single Eye. Are you?
If you haven’t done the
Single Eye experiment yet, it’s on the website and it’s easy to do.
I don’t find myself
inside a head, looking out through TWO holes at the distant world. Headless, I’m looking out of ONE boundless Opening that goes on and on forever - inwards, upwards, downwards, sideways…
My world is presented
at no distance in this Single Eye, in this clear, still consciousness.
You can notice your Single Eye wherever you are. I was in the bank this morning, waiting in the queue. I remembered to notice my Single Eye and began relaxing into it. I was then SEEING I wasn’t in the bank, the bank was in me. My being was not contained. What a profoundly different way of being in the world – seeing that the world is in you.
A friend of mine tells me how relaxing it is for her eyes when she notices her Single Eye. When she is conscious of being boundless, of taking in the whole scene in her spaciousness, then any tension round her eyes begins to dissolve.
If you feel tense round your eyes, see that this stress is from the First Person point of view – from your point of view – happening in your eyeless stress-free space. Then see if awareness of this doesn’t affect the stress. You are no longer imagining that stress inside a head here, inside eyes here, but you are seeing and sensing that it is uncontained, unattached to anything where you are - which is letting it be, which is letting it go…
Warm regards,
Jesus said to them: When you make the two one… then you will go into the Kingdom.
Gospel of Thomas
I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing: I see all.
Real vision is eyeless.
Anandamayi Ma
Become seeing, seeing, seeing!
Become vision itself.
He became one-eyed.
The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same - one in seeing, one in knowing, one in loving.
Meister Eckhart
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