Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
Freely released into the cosmos every few days...
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Reflection 549


Frameless Picture

I was home in Ireland in the summer for a family wedding. I videoed the wedding on a camcorder. At the time it didn't mean anything to me but later while watching the tape on TV I completely lost my head. Everyone spoke to the space that was me, but on TV I wasn't there, so they were speaking into the void. Then I got another lovely surprise. At one point I stood in a corner to video everyone leaving the church. They would come up to the camera (me) and walk by, straight into the void. I'm sure anyone with a video camera could get a moment of headlessness from this simple experiment. D

A couple of evenings ago two friends came round for dinner. N is a photographer. We talked about Seeing, and did some experiments - the Card and the Great Storehouse. I found N's reaction fascinating. He said that his job means that he is continually framing things when he looks at them - how they will fit into a photograph. But this Seeing meant having no frame. The picture got wider and wider until there were no limits. "It's like throwing away the camera!" R

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