Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 16


Seeing Is Believing

This seeing is believing. Altogether unmystical (in the popular sense), it is a precise, total, all-or-nothing experience admitting of no degrees. Relief is instant and complete - so long as it lasts. But now the really exacting part of the work begins: you have to go on seeing your Absence/presence whenever and wherever you can, till the seeing becomes quite natural (repeat natural) and unbroken. This is neither to lose yourself in your Emptiness nor in what fills it, but simultaneously to view the thing you are looking at and the No-thing you are looking out of. There will be found no times when this two-way attention is out of place or can safely be dispensed with. The price of sanity is vigilance. (The Science of the 1st Person, Douglas Harding)

Unless you turn round and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus

We abide in darkness so long as we walk in belief and not in beholding.  St Bernard of Clairvaux


At our monthly Gathering we used and explored the Experiments. I find the approach of Harding very useful in altering perception and redirecting awareness away from the senses and back to the I Am presence. Jim. 

Thank you for the key reminder that, 'This is neither to lose yourself in your Emptiness nor in what fills it, but simultaneously to view the thing you are looking at and the No-thing you are looking out of.' Very helpful! Jessica.

Thank you for this reminder that we are nothing (no thing) and everything. May we all rest in the seeing, recognising that which we are and are not. Christine.

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