Your True FaceA friend of mine sends out a daily quotation by email – he calls it
Peter’s Pearls. Often he quotes spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Gangaji. This quotation (see below) came through recently, from Gangaji’s
The Diamond In Your Pocket. Gangaji writes about our "true face" – which "is actually no face at all, with no gender, no agenda…"
Now, where do you find this wonderful no face of yours – this nothing that is "full, whole, infinite, in everything, everywhere?" This nothing that is consciousness, your true identity…
Pointing Experiment is exactly about this – literally you point at your no-face. There it is. Or rather, here it is! As Gangaji writes, you don’t need years of spiritual practice to find this no-face of yours. Of course, that's clear. No qualifications at all are needed. Simply point back at where others see your face, and look. There it is, your no-face - visible! And self-evidently seeing your no-face has nothing to do with what kind of person you are. Look there in the mirror and you see your face – you see there the kind of person you are. But look here, this side of the mirror, and you see your no-face, shining perfectly - timeless, indivisible, free, obvious…
So, here’s the quotation from Gangaji, and below that is the link for Peter’s Pearls.
Warm regards,
The truth is, you really are nothing, but this nothing is full, whole, infinite, in everything, everywhere. This nothing is consciousness itself. It is already whole, complete, and fulfilled. This is the amazing irony. What you are running from and what you are searching for are the same!
I know you must experience at least a hint or an echo of the boundless peace that is present. This is an echo of your true identity, which is always present.
However many strategies of the mind arise -- to do, to keep, to hide, to protect, or to defend -- this boundless peace is always present, and it is your true refuge. This is, in fact, your true face. You do not need years of spiritual practice to find your true face, because it is always present.
Nor do you need to be a better person to find your true face. Right now, exactly where you are, whoever you imagine yourself to be, your true face is shining. But it is actually no face at all, with no gender, no agenda. It is simply shining as it is, shining as shiningness.
Gangaji -- The Diamond In Your PocketPeter’s Pearls