Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 190



Things can’t be trusted. They pose problems, they change, they perish. Not so this Aware No-thing. It alone can be relied on. It comes up with things – not, it’s true, with the things you imagine you want, but with the things you really, really want, the things you need. Is this so surprising? After all, it’s from this same unspeakably mysterious No-thing that all things emerge for no reason (why should they?), that this wildly improbable universe is now emerging. No mean achievement, this cosmic enterprise ranging from quarks to galaxies, all on the go, all in working order! This is the Thing that your No-thing is getting up to, right where you are. If the power and the expertise behind this Unlimited Liability Corporation, this Business of businesses, can’t be counted on, what can? If it lets you get in the red occasionally (and it could) be sure the management has its reasons. If in its service you sometimes go short of this or that (and very likely you will) you suffer no stress on that account. You are well backed.

The reasons why you should invest at least some trust in this, provisionally, and then proceed to put your shirt on it, are three. The first is that many of the now-most-admired members of our species have claimed that (in spite of all appearances to the contrary) they found it altogether reliable, and urged everyone to try it. The second is that, thinking back to the crises in your own life, you may recollect how you drew on far deeper interior levels than those you normally rely on, with impressive results. The third is that the Resource we are recommending is what and where you are coming from, is the Self of yourself, your Origin and own True Nature – and if this can’t be relied on you are indeed in a bad way. This which is wholly you, which is more you than you are you, yet packs the irresistible power of what’s wholly other than you – don’t your heart and guts (to say nothing of your head) cry out: ‘I give myself to This, give myself to my Self, and take the consequences!?’

You won’t be sorry.

(Douglas Harding. Head Off Stress.)

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