Reflection 161
Why is there anything at all? Why is there so much as a twinge or a tingle of consciousness, or a speck of a speck of matter? Why isn't there just nothing whatever? Does the miraculous (no, impossible!) uprush of the Self-originating One from primordial chaos and darkest night, without help or reason - hoisting Himself into existence by his own non-existent bootstraps - astound and delight you? If so, I can assure you that it is you as Him, and certainly not you as Jane or Henry or whoever, who are amazed, who are filled with admiration, who jump for joy into the very special Joy that's born of that very special and never-ceasing Miracle. The "impossible" Miracle of his Self-creation, after which the creation of billions of universes, all going strong, is nothing special, a matter of routine. (
Douglas Harding. Article: God)
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