Reflection 197
Unworldly Values
To the extent that I stay centred in the perfection of the New Man, of my True Nature as First Person Singular, the manifold imperfections of the old man are mitigated. To the extent that I live from the values of this New Man - unconditional love, no power over others, no turning one's back on them, the acceptance of humiliation, and so forth - to that extent the contrasting values of that old man become less and less heavy and humourless and troublesome, and more and more amenable and realistic and healthy. In a word, more natural. (
Douglas Harding. The Trial of the Man who said he was God.)
As for hate, anger, fear and craving in all their fifty-seven varieties, what sense they seem to make out there in that little one, and what nonsense they really make here in this Big One! Candidly, but with some tenderness and amusement, the First Person perceives the third person as warped and screwy, his values as twisted. No wonder that, traditionally, the satanic reverses the divine - recites the Lord's Prayer backwards, for example. (
Douglas Harding. The Trial of the Man who said he was God.)
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