Parallel Lines Meet at Infinity
Have been reading the most recent journal and I have especially enjoyed The One Behind the World. This is a transcript of a workshop Douglas Harding gave in September, 2000. Almost feel as if I was there, it is such a good account.
One thing that really struck me was the experiment: The Parallel Lines Meet In Infinity. I don't remember having seen this before anywhere, and Douglas says this is the first time he has done it in a workshop. Anyway, I tried it and it works incredibly well. The basic concept is that parallel lines meet in infinity, and each of us is the infinite Center of the world. By holding one's forearms out, with elbows near the chest, you can take any vertical line in a room or outside, align it to you forearm, and see the line run into your infinite center. Every alleged vertical line runs into me when I do this.
While out running on a country road, I can do the same thing with the edges of the road. After only a few steps, I can drop my arms and just watch the two lines (the edges of the road) meet at my infinite center. Adds a new dimension to running or walking. Even when walking down a sidewalk, path, or hallway, this exercise can be a great help in Seeing more regularly. B.