Reflection 201
A Million Dollars? Chicken-feed!
By coming to look at ourselves from outside we lost this treasure, we lost this wealth, and we spend the rest of our lives, alas, many of us, trying to get back a part of our lost heritage. I really do believe, my own experience I think supports it, that when we see who we really are we don’t crave unnecessary objects which are put there, simply, I think, for us to get some symbol or token of our lost treasure. When the world is yours, why go for a million dollars? Chicken-feed! Pathetic! (Douglas Harding.
On Having No Head. DVD.)
Offering the headless way to everyone
Please send your comments to Richard
It was just what I needed most today: to be reminded by Douglas that the never-promised rose-garden I keep looking for in the world is always there for me - if only I would take one moment of rest to have a look in the right direction, pointing 180 degrees the other way round... Then look again, and see what immense abundance there is, all the time. My being unsatisfied disappears like the winter snow. Hilde.